Near the end of each year, I post a list of the things I hope to purchase in the new year. Here was my list for 2024 and why I did or didn’t purchase the items listed:
- New refrigerator: Budget: $1500
- Purchase on 2/04/24, cost $1481 after rebates.
- Remove dead pine trees: Budget $600
- Trees are still there, decided to delay this project until 2025
- Replace fence in back yard: Budget $1600
- Looked at the price of fence panels at Lowes. Decided to delay this project.
- New furnace: Budget $3600
- Furnace still making noise, but otherwise still working. Another delayed project.
- Replacement windows: Budget $3200
- Decided on which 4 windows to replace but had no extra money for this project.
I got a fair deal on the refrigerator plus it had a built-in ice maker. I finally hooked up the ice maker in late September after I got $100 for my birthday. I used the money to buy a water filter and connection parts. As far as the other items on my list, there just wasn’t any extra money in the budget. My 2024 wish list had too many expensive items making the list unobtainable. For 2025 my wish list will consist of only one major item for the house and some of the things I routinely look for on auction websites.
- Remove dead trees from backyard and upgrade landscape. Budget: $2200
- Purchase a gas-powered chipper shredder. Budget: $500
- Install a video surveillance system. Budget: $100
- Get a used Kitchenaid Artesian Mixer. Budget: $80
- Get a used Thrustmaster or Logitech steering wheel. Budget: $50
The list for 2025 should be more doable. The total is under $3000, but some of it depends on finding good deals. Inflation is still a major issue and competition for some of the used items on my list is strong. For example, I was bidding on a TMX steering wheel, and my $29 bid was winning. Then someone bids $32 at the last second. The total price was $52 with tax and shipping. Normally this item sells for around $46 with shipping. This one didn’t even come with peddles! Christmas is a bad time to bid on gaming accessories.