Senior Careers

I see a lot of seniors working in the retail industry in customer service roles. Large operations like Lowes, Home Depot, and Walmart are hiring seniors. Many of them are working part time to help pay for their health insurance, and others do it for the social interaction that is

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Making Marble Boards

Making a marble game board isn’t difficult, but it does take some skill and accuracy. The hardest part is laying out the pattern and routing the holes. There are 88 holes in a typical 4 player marble board. I’ve seen 6 player variations, but those are harder to make unless

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Income Streams

How many income streams do you have? I’ve always believed in creating as many sources of income as possible. My income currently comes from unemployment compensation, interest, dividends, ebay sales, and ad revenue from several blogs and websites that I maintain. I don’t get much from the ads. I’m currently

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