For the month of August, the DOW was up 388 points. Only a slight gain as investors try to determine how the latest COVID wave will impact economic activity. My investments gained $11,091 for the month. Dividends and interest amounted to $611, with $440 withdrawn to pay bills. Investments sold:
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Workplace Age Discrimination
Shortly after I was “released” from my job in electronics manufacturing , AARP came out with an article titled “Workplace Age Discrimination Still Flourishes in America”. At the time of my employment release, I was 57 years old. During my employment, I never experienced any age discrimination. It was only
Continue reading-$10,000 Six Times
I was looking at a year-to-date chart of my investments today. I counted six times where the value of my account dropped by over $10,000. This has occurred over a 3 or 4 day period every 5 or 6 weeks. But, each time the investments have bounced back to a
Continue readingJuly 2021 Update
The DOW has recovered from my last post a few weeks ago. Back then, the DOW was at 33,800. Today it is at 34,838, about 1000 points higher. It was as high as 35,144 on July 26th, but pandemic worries and unemployment concerns have pushed it down. My portfolio gained
Continue readingCOVID Market Crash
Here we go again. The stock market is dropping today as a result of all the scary news reports over the weekend that another wave of COVID is starting to gain momentum. Yet, here in Minnesota, the mnhealth Twitter account just announced that COVID-19 cases are down dramatically and that
Continue readingJune 2021 Update
This has been a strange year so far. The pandemic feels like it is still lurking in the background and could come back at any moment. Here in the Midwest we wait a long time for summer weather. Now that it is finally here, it has been too hot to
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